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Become a Member
West Virginia Home Educators Association is a 501c3 nonprofit organization of homeschooling parents serving other homeschoolers.
Standardized testing is one of its services. You don’t have to be a WVHEA member to test with us, but the annual fee is only $15 and members get to qualify for HOBY sponsorships and ROAD grants, plus newsletters and special mailings.
Membership is open to all West Virginia homeschoolers
Governing Board
WVHEA is administered by an all volunteer board.
2024 board officers are:
Roy Ramey, President
Heather Crislip-Vance, VP
Melissa Trimble, Treasurer
Trish Bucher, Secretary
Other current members include:
Amy Malcomb
Natalie Anderson
Allie Nickel
Advisory Members include:
Kathie Hess Crouse