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Annual Assessments
The WV homeschooling law, part 18-8-1 (c)(2) requires that each home-educated child of compulsory age be assessed every year in reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies. Parents must maintain copies of each student’s academic assessment for three years. The assessment results for students in 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 11th grades must be submitted to the county by June 30.
The annual assessment can be
a standardized achievement test nationally normed within the last ten years, or
the testing program currently in use in the WV public schools and administered in a public school (not recommended by WVHEA), or
a written narrative prepared by a certified teacher (commonly called the “portfolio review”), or
an alternative assessment agreed to by the county superintendent (not recommended by WVHEA).
Alternative Academic Assessment
This is not typically recommended by WVHEA. In the event that a homeschooler chooses to use this type of assessment, the law specifies that the annual assessment requirement can be met when:
(iv) The child completes an alternative academic assessment of proficiency that is mutually agreed upon by the parent or legal guardian and the county superintendent. Criteria for acceptable progress shall be mutually agreed upon by the same parties;
Alternative assessment possibilities include grades and evaluations from correspondence schools and/or recognized homeschool curriculum courses; an assessment from a specialized program such as the Autism Training Center, Marshall University’s HELP program, and other similar programs designed to assess performance, particularly of special needs students. In certain circumstances, an assessment by interview has been accepted. One homeschooler’s alternative assessment consisted of grades from a correspondence course for math, science, social studies, and an evaluation from his mother, who had been an English teacher. If you have an idea for an appropriate assessment for your child, run it by the county superintendent and see what you can work out.
Performance assessments, sometimes called authentic assessments are receiving increased attention. Many states, including WV, are looking for ways to incorporate such assessments into their annual assessment procedures.
WVHEA’s alternative academic assessment form may help with the paperwork involved in this process.
Guidelines for Participation in WV Public School Assessments
Portfolio Evaluator List
This list is provided as a service to homeschoolers. It is not a complete list; other evaluators may be available in your area. It is not an endorsement of any evaluator listed. Please carefully interview and choose a portfolio evaluator so that you can find a good match for your family. Make sure your evaluator understands the legal requirements for a portfolio evaluation which are contained in the current law code. If you are a portfolio evaluator or know of someone who would like to be included on this list, please notify WVHEA by calling 1-800-736-9843 or emailing
You can also verify your evaluator’s certification here:
Experienced homeschoolers do not typically recommend testing with public schools. Aside from the time commitment, homeschoolers have had difficulty receiving test scores back before June 30.
As per WVDE Policy:
“Home-instructed (home-schooled) students may participate in the WV-MAP administered in the public schools of the district in which they reside. Each academic year, the home instructor must notify the district test coordinator of the intent to participate in the WV-MAP. Students may participate in the WVGSA Grades 3-8 or the SAT School Day provided that the home instructor notifies the district test coordinator of the intention to participate at least three months prior to the testing window.
Home-instructed students will be assigned: 1) a location for testing with an approved educator who has completed the required training as an examiner/scribe and signed the WVBE Examiner’s/Scribe’s Secure Materials and Test Procedures Agreement (Appendix F and Appendix N), and 2) test dates by the district test coordinator during the testing window. All educators and nonpublic school students participating in the assessments of the WV-MAP shall be required to follow all testing guidelines and procedures set forth in this policy. Violations of this policy shall result in the loss of testing privileges. No breach form will be administered to home-instructed students. No family member may be present in the testing area during the administration of the test. All test security procedures and schedules must be followed.”
Statewide (Electronic)
Monongalia and Taylor County
Special Needs Certified. Reviews also via skype or email.
WV Certified Teacher (K-12 and special needs)
116 Wayne St, Glen Morgan, WV 25847
Beckley area, but will work statewide with homeschoolers.
Shari Hardwick
Cabell County. WV K-6, S
pecific Learning Disabilities Endorsement K-6,
$50 per portfolio.
She will review electronically, statewide.
Stephanie Johnson;
(304) 886-5496.
Elem Ed K-6 certified,
will work with any grade.
Located in Berkeley County and will travel to Morgan and Jefferson.
Will also work with anyone in the state of WV electronically.
Kelley Auld Jones
192 Topaz Lane
Inwood, WV 25428.
Berkeley County. Certified in WV and MD.
Will review via mail or email.
Beth Wade
P.O. Box 4432, Parkersburg, WV 26104
Courtney Ostaff
Certified in Special Education, birth through adult.
Unschooler friendly.
Email/postal mail/Google Drive/Photos/Videos all accepted.
Amy Miller
Certified Teacher.
In person in Mason County and Jackson County.
Electronic reviews statewide. $20 per portfolio
Cassie Smith
(304) 435-7059
Preston County. WV
certified educator.
Willing to accept portfolios in person, through e-mail, or regular mail.
$30 for the first review and $25 for each additional review.
Sally Cox 304-210-4770 Wood County. WV and NC certified. 14 years’ experience. Portfolio Assessment, Educational Guidance, Teaching Services.
Beth Wade 304-916-9510 P.O. Box 4432, Parkersburg, WV 26104
Michaelene Mills 304-224-8936 3721 Woodlawn Way, Weirton, WV 26062 Interview with child, review of portfolio, detailed letter of child’s progress $50
Kristen Adkins. Fayette County.
Donna Eskew 304-776-7326 Kanawha County
Katrina Fitzwater 304-910-0454 Bluefield, WV
Cheryl Gabbert 304-228-6671 116 Wayne St, Glen Morgan, WV 25847 Beckley area, but will work statewide with homeschoolers.
Heather Hanson Kanawha/Putnam Counties. Unschooling-friendly, $30 per portfolio
Shari Hardwick 304-550-0048 Cabell County. WV K-6, Specific Learning Disabilities Endorsement K-6, $50 per portfolio. She will review electronically, statewide.
Yvonne Jarrell 304-245-8148 Boone County
Sandy Taylor 304-757-9011 Putnam/Kanawha/Cabell
North Central
Jeniver Boyer 304-680-3232 Monongalia and Taylor County Special Needs Certified. Reviews also via skype or email.
Nina Hebb 304-641-8077 Upshur county
Tammy Kniceley 304-782-2124 Doddridge County
Barb Satterfield 304-457-1093 Upshur County
Stacey Smith 304-642-6732 Randolph/Upshur
Lisa Williams Harrison County
Rhonda Wotring 304-366-6297
Eastern Panhandle
Janine DiGioanni 304-274-2080 Berkley County
David Griffiths 304-258-9415 Berkeley Springs
Lori Horner Jefferson County
Kelley Auld Jones 304-676-9320 192 Topaz Lane Inwood, WV 25428. Berkeley County. Certified in WV and MD. Will review via mail or email.
Lisa Devine-Millbourne 304-258-4672 Berkeley Springs